Demoralisation or Fatigue?

All day the blogs have been relatively quiet. People are still viewing them, at least if hits to this blog are any indication. But in the main activity seems to have dropped off. Even the more active forums/message boards are mostly dormant. I am not sure whether this indicates demoralisation on the part of UBP blogs (I would categorise Limey, New Onion, and Vexed Bermoothes as UBP partisan), or simply fatigue from the election, especially on the forums. What is said though is the little activity on the forums, the nature of which is of three natures:

1) ‘Evacuation’ from the island.

2) Oppurtunist wonderings – whether or not to join the PLP now ‘for protection.’

3) The ‘catastrophe’ of the PLP victory.

These forums are mostly found at Bermuda Sucks and its spin-off Bermuda is Another World. I haven’t seen Facebook yet, but I am guessing the trend is repeated there also.

That the majority of voters disagree with these sentiments (otherwise they wouldn’t have voted PLP) shows some of the disconnect between reality and the Bdian blogosphere itself. But these are worrying trends nonetheless, and it is important to allay any fears asbest as possible, and PLPers have a duty not to provoke the UBPers at this time. There is plenty of time for that in the future in the form of polemics rather than baiting.

4 thoughts on “Demoralisation or Fatigue?

  1. The one that actually pisses me off the most are the people who now say that since the PLP won the election that they now will try to leave Bermuda, very similar to how their was a great increase in the number of inquireies by Americans to Canadian Immigration about info on moving to Canada following the reelection George W. back in ’04. I heard this even before the election, from people who were stalwarts of the UBP. My response? Fine, move the hell away from Bermuda! People with that attitude are neither helpful or wanted when attempting to fix the problems at hand. Do I like the PLP? No. Will I be leaving Bermuda? No. To paraphrase Yasir Arafat: Bermuda is the only home I have ever know and no one will make leave.

    So I will make my stand here, and no where else.

    As for the other two comming saying comming from people. Also shut you! Once again, whinning like this is far from helpful and only furthers the problems. I guess is not to be unexpected comming from UBP supporters anyway. Goddammit they can really get under my skin sometimes.

    And secondly, where the hell would these folk who talk of leaving Bermuda go, the U.S., Canada? Generally these people who voted UBP I know are the same sort of bleeding heart liberals that cried when George W. got back in and when Stephen Harper booted out the liberal party in Canada

  2. The majority of voters have chosen a government that espouses inequality and division.
    We need to get over it.

    Some people may feel the desire to vote next time, with their feet.
    We need to get over it.

    Bermuda is tiny.
    The Planet is huge.
    Life is short.

    Make your own choices and respect the choices of others.
    Get over it.

  3. “There is plenty of time for that in the future in the form of polemics rather than baiting.”

    I posit that many UBP voters disagree with the policies that the PLP proposes.

    But the PLP says (as both Dr. Brown and Rolfe did today) that, if white voters feel excluded, they need to join the PLP.

    That only works if the PLP is willing to listen to their voice. Otherwise they’d be supporting a group that is pursuing policies contrary to their own interests.

    The UBP cultivated black relationships in the 60s and 70s because it needed them to be a representational government. The PLP is in a similar position now and will not admit it.

    And sorry, race baiting was part of the PLP campaign. That ain’t gonna pull in the white folk. It’s unacceptable. The Big Conversation needs to be two way – thus far it includes a lot of blame and “shut up and listen”.

  4. Dr. Brown’s comments to the BBC today were not promising. The UBP gained 48% of the vote – Dr. Brown needs to find a way to reach out to those VERY alienated voters otherwise we aren’t gonna have a moment’s peace around here.

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